2012 Cobh to Blackrock entries received

All boats registered for the Cobh to Blackrock Race sponsored by the Port of Cork and Union Chandlery, will be listed below :

Minstrel 8929N Illes Pitiuses IRL 1392
Yanks $ ffrancs IRL 8071 Seascapes II IR 4379
Away on Business IRL 6570 Minx III IRL 4434
Anna Emily  Ct41 Re Eile IRL 731
Bandit IRL 2611 Fast Buck IRL 9615
La Maraquita A191 Chanteuse 5934y
Molia  IRL 3252 Kodachi  IRL2706
no half measures  gbr608 Windhover IR252
Blue Peregrine IRL 4349 Saxon Senator IRL 1477
Wader K4351T Serendipity IRL 1685
Exhale IRL8991 Meltemi 4443
Tir na nOg IRL 14774 Bright wings Y6724
Lady T  IRL2510 DeJa Vu IRL 3470
Heron IRL1399 Wicked IRL 9732
Whyte Knight IR 9654 Sally IRL 1227
Tambourine IRL 1975 Bombora IRL1574
Gloves Off IRL 2003 Greensleeves GS221
Midnight Trapper IRL2A Explorer 2250C
Sky bird  IRL 286 Mo Ghile Mear  IRL 1161
Lady N  IRL 3331 La Belle Vie IRL 860
Cool Breeze  74 No Gnomes IRL 78
C-Scholar (1720) IRL 1805 Magnet 9896
Y-Knot IRL 6676 Silk Breeze 3692
Cool Breeze  IRL 9A Holy Grounder  IRL 1102
Rhett Butler GBR402 Illaunglas  HR29
Eilie 538 Swift NED 7667
Ellida  IRL 6021 Outrigger  7071
Drascombe lugger (no number) Smart Lady (Trad)


Patapo  10657 (wayfarer) Feva Dinghy 3022
Momentum 13′ gaff rig dinghy 21640 RS 100 320
RS Feva 2963 RS Feva 1966
RS Feva 2258 Laser Standard Rig 168847
Dublin Bay Mermaid (AKITA)85 Laser 16 Dinghy 16490
Laser (not specified) 196535 RS Feva 4257
RS Feva 2955 505 7771
505 8380 Raider 18 (Yomkon Lt Blue)
Raider 18 (Kanko Dk Blue) Laser radial 183298
Laser (not specified) 18 RS Feva (no number)
Laser 175724


If you registered but your boat name is not on the list (please give us a few hours), and you’ve not been contacted by Cove Sailing Club, then email us at info@covesailingclub.ie and provide your boat details and when you registered and we will get in touch.