11 Sep 2012 Cobh to Blackrock entries received
All boats registered for the Cobh to Blackrock Race sponsored by the Port of Cork and Union Chandlery, will be listed below :
Cruisers | |
Minstrel 8929N | Illes Pitiuses IRL 1392 |
Yanks $ ffrancs IRL 8071 | Seascapes II IR 4379 |
Away on Business IRL 6570 | Minx III IRL 4434 |
Anna Emily Ct41 | Re Eile IRL 731 |
Bandit IRL 2611 | Fast Buck IRL 9615 |
La Maraquita A191 | Chanteuse 5934y |
Molia IRL 3252 | Kodachi IRL2706 |
no half measures gbr608 | Windhover IR252 |
Blue Peregrine IRL 4349 | Saxon Senator IRL 1477 |
Wader K4351T | Serendipity IRL 1685 |
Exhale IRL8991 | Meltemi 4443 |
Tir na nOg IRL 14774 | Bright wings Y6724 |
Lady T IRL2510 | DeJa Vu IRL 3470 |
Heron IRL1399 | Wicked IRL 9732 |
Whyte Knight IR 9654 | Sally IRL 1227 |
Tambourine IRL 1975 | Bombora IRL1574 |
Gloves Off IRL 2003 | Greensleeves GS221 |
Midnight Trapper IRL2A | Explorer 2250C |
Sky bird IRL 286 | Mo Ghile Mear IRL 1161 |
Lady N IRL 3331 | La Belle Vie IRL 860 |
Cool Breeze 74 | No Gnomes IRL 78 |
C-Scholar (1720) IRL 1805 | Magnet 9896 |
Y-Knot IRL 6676 | Silk Breeze 3692 |
Cool Breeze IRL 9A | Holy Grounder IRL 1102 |
Rhett Butler GBR402 | Illaunglas HR29 |
Eilie 538 | Swift NED 7667 |
Ellida IRL 6021 | Outrigger 7071 |
Drascombe lugger (no number) | Smart Lady (Trad) |
Dinghies |
Patapo 10657 (wayfarer) | Feva Dinghy 3022 |
Momentum 13′ gaff rig dinghy 21640 | RS 100 320 |
RS Feva 2963 | RS Feva 1966 |
RS Feva 2258 | Laser Standard Rig 168847 |
Dublin Bay Mermaid (AKITA)85 | Laser 16 Dinghy 16490 |
Laser (not specified) 196535 | RS Feva 4257 |
RS Feva 2955 | 505 7771 |
505 8380 | Raider 18 (Yomkon Lt Blue) |
Raider 18 (Kanko Dk Blue) | Laser radial 183298 |
Laser (not specified) 18 | RS Feva (no number) |
Laser 175724 | |
If you registered but your boat name is not on the list (please give us a few hours), and you’ve not been contacted by Cove Sailing Club, then email us at info@covesailingclub.ie and provide your boat details and when you registered and we will get in touch.