27 Aug 2013 Cobh to Blackrock entries received
All boats registered for the Cobh to Blackrock Race sponsored by the Port of Cork and Union Chandlery will be listed below :
Away on Business IRL6570 | Bombora IRL1574 |
Whyte Knight IRL 9654 | Explorer 2250C |
Bedlam IRL 9577 | Holy Grounder IRL 1102 |
Fast Buck IRL 9615 | Re Eile IRL 731 |
Mystic IRL 782 | Kodachi IRL2706 |
Bright wings 6724Y | Cest la Vie IRL3255 |
Chanteuse 5934y | Conchita YM3 268 |
Maximizar IRL1560 | Saxon Senator IRL 1477 |
Viking Lass IRL 7062 | Silk Breeze IRL3691 |
NO-GNOMES IRL 78 | Jelly Baby IRL9609 |
Split Point IRL 9992 | Bandit IRL2611 |
Drumfire IRL 3376 | elegance irl3610 |
Bad Company IRL16859 | oceanexplorer GBR 32700 |
Windhover IR 252 | Gaelic Kiwi irl 7156 |
Scholar IRL1805 – 1720 sportsboat | Warrior GBR 1703 – 1720 sportsboat |
DEJa Vu IRL 3470 | Suaimhneas IRL 944 |
Tambourine IRL 1975 | Shadow 113C |
Moonraker IRL457 | MInx III IRL 4434 |
mo chuisle irl513 | Jay IRL4012 |
la Mouette ??? (trad) | Crackerjack (moody s31) |
Sea Hawk IRL 4506 | Exhale IRL8991 |
An T’Oileanach IRL 4047 | Yanks $ ffrancs IRL 8071 |
Laser 4.7 196517 | RS400 762 |
laser radial 186825 | Cool Breeze 74 |
Laser 4.7 171754 | Topper Topaz Race 947 |
raider 18 “Yomkon” Light Blue Hull | raider 18 “Kanko” Dark Blue Hull |
laser 54297 | |
If you registered but your boat name is not on the list (please give us a few hours), and you’ve not been contacted by Cove Sailing Club, then email us at info@covesailingclub.ie and provide your boat details and when you registered and we will get in touch.