Club Policies & Codes of Conduct

Statement Of Safety Policy

Cove Sailing Club in providing and promoting sailing activities and facilities, is committed to ensuring and encouraging a safe and healthy environment for its members and visitors. Risk assessment will be evaluated on a continuous basis in all areas and activities. The clubs Commodore, Safety Officer, Committee and working members are committed to maintaining a high standard of safety awareness through reasonable and practical steps. The club is aware of its reasonability in meeting the standards of the Health and Safety act. The club expects Supervisors and members to be fully aware of its Safety policies, and show a reasonable and positive attitude towards Health and Safety at all times.

Codes of Conduct

Club Policy

Cove Sailing Club expects it’s Committee, members, volunteers and all other personnel involved with or participating in club activities to behave in a manner which will allow others to be safe and enjoy sailing and boating activities within and associated with the Club. Supervisors and instructors will have a clearly defined set of standards and procedures in the event of person’s behavior becoming an issue.

Supervisors and instructors

Supervisors and instructors should be aware that their own conduct and behavior should be mature, reasonable and appropriate at all times. They should always be alert to any unfair or inappropriate behavior that would be unsafe or affect the enjoyment of personnel under their control. They should be familiar with Club procedures in dealing with a persons behavior becoming an issue.

Staff and volunteers

Any personnel working for or on behalf of the club whether full time or voluntarily should always behave in such a manner that encourages a safe and enjoyable environment for others.

Working With Children
Cove Sailing Club will endeavor to ensure a safe and healthy environment for children involved in boating and activities within the club. The club will ensure Committee members, Junior organizers, instructors and all personnel working with children are aware and informed of the ISA guidelines of code of conduct for working with children. Cove Sailing Club is aware of its responsibilities in adhering to the ISA guidelines and the Irish sports Councils Codes of Ethics and Good Practice for Children’s Sports in Ireland.

People working with Juniors
The club will ensure that personnel Supervising or involved with Juniors are known and approved by the Club and are aware of these guidelines.
Staff & volunteers should be aware of section 4.2 of Code of Ethics.

Parents & Guardians are encouraged to support and interact with Junior Organizers / Instructors during Junior Sailing activities.

Juniors should be encouraged & be aware that they have reasonability’s to show respect and treat other children, supervisors and instructors with mutual respect as per section 4.4.1 of Code of Ethics

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