NOTICE OF 2017 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Cove Sailing Club will hold its Annual General Meeting on Monday  20th of November.  The meeting will take place in the Community Center Rooms 8 & 9 at 20:00 hrs. I would encourage all members to attend and participate in the...

Cove Sailing Club extends its fullest sympathies to our Rear Commodore Adrian Tyler on the passing of his father on Sunday. Our thoughts are with him and his family at this difficult time....

Cove Sailing Club was saddened to hear of the news of the passing of Norcott Roberts. As Founding Commodore of Monkstown Bay Sailing Club he encouraged everyone to get out on the water. MBSC members will be flying their club burgee today and participating in todays Blackrock...

The dinghy park will be open tomorrow at 1230hrs to facilitate boat owners in accessing their boats for the Blackrock Race. It is recommended that all dinghy sailors are on the water by 1330hrs for FG at 1400hrs. The club would like to remind all dinghy sailors...

The annual Cobh to Blackrock race will take place this Saturday 17th September. FG will be at 1400hrs with the start line off the promenade between Sorbrette and an ODM. Dinghys, Standard flee, classes 3,2,1. Keep a listening watch on Vhf Ch 69 for further information on the...

Due to the high winds it is deemed prudent to cancel racing for this afternoon. Racing will continue next week with the Cobh to Blackrock on Saturday....

Notice of Race September League begins tomorrow Sunday 11th . FG at 1300hrs Keep listening watch on vhf ch69 for course and further instructions. Please remember if you are on the rota as Race Officer and unable to fulfill please find an alternate....

NOTICE TO ALL SAILORS Due to the unfavorable forecast and in order for you and our sponsors to rearrange your weekend we have taken the decision to postpone our race until Saturday the 17th of September. This annual race is always a great way to introduce friends...

Sail No Boat Name Type Owner Class IRL 9834 True Penance Projection 35 Martin Darrer/Colman Garvey 1 IRL1772 Heroes and Villains 1720 Gary Rhodes 1 IRL35221 Alpaca X-34 Paul Tingle 1 IRL1477 Saxon Senator X37 Wan Waterman 1 GBR380 Rioja J80 Dominic Baxter 2 IRL9992 Split Point Dufour 34 Seamus Gilroy 2 IRL16859 Bad Company Sunfast 32 Desmond / Ivers / Deasy / Conlon 2 GBR606 Jedi J80 Fergus Coughlan 2 IRL78 No-Gnomes Nicholson 30 Leonard Donnery 3 IRL4438 Musketeer Sigma 33 Dave Doyle 3 IRL7156 Gaelic Kiwi GK24 Kevin O'Connor 3 IRL262 Relativity Albin Express Denis Ellis 3 IRL4379 Scribbler II Sigma 33 Tom and Cormac MacSweeney 3 IRL9615 Fast Buck Impala 28 John & Fiona Murphy 3 IRL1033 Loch...