GAS Calves Week 2015 NOR
This years Calves Week will run from the 4th to the 7th August. The Notice of Race is available to view/download here (click link). More information is available on the Schull Harbour Sailing Club website....
This years Calves Week will run from the 4th to the 7th August. The Notice of Race is available to view/download here (click link). More information is available on the Schull Harbour Sailing Club website....
Cove Sailing Club aims to make sailing accessible to anyone who wants to learn to sail but in particular tries to make sailing affordable for junior sailors. We are now looking for experienced Dinghy Instructors, a Senior Instructor for the Summer Season and Volunteers for our...
Just a reminder that entries for this Saturday's PY500 dinghy race hosted by the Royal Cork must be submitted by Friday 13th March. There is an online entry form which needs to be completed along with payment of the €20 entry fee. The notice of race...
SailCork will host their Annual Dinner at 7.30PM on 7th March at the Royal Cork. Tickets are €35 each (ring Jo or Shirley at SailCork) and all proceeds will go the RNLI. Further details are available on the SailCork website....
Cove SC is holding a meeting for skipper/crews at 8.00PM Friday 6th March in the ROBSON ROOM (upstairs in the Commodore Hotel). There are a few things in particular that we want to raise and hear views/opinions on and these are as follows: Cruiser-racing schedule, OD list,...
Cove SC membership forms for 2015 are now available. Please note that we are very pleased to be able to maintain our membership fees at the same reduced rate for another year, as follows: Family membership €150, Ordinary membership €100, Junior membership €50. Download the latest membership...
The Royal Cork Yacht Club (RCYC) have launched the ‘Cork Harbour Dinghyfest 2015’ which will be hosted by the Club from the 20th to the 23rd of August. ‘Dinghyfest 2015’ will consist of 4 days of world class racing, with courses inside and outside Cork Harbour....
The SCORA AGM will take place at the Royal Cork Yacht Club on Friday, January 23rd at 8 pm. Refreshments will be provided. All Welcome...
Kinsale Yacht Club have announced the launch of their new web page for the 2015 Covestone ICRA Nationals and Sovereign's Cup (click link) After much deliberation earlier this year KYC and ICRA announced in May the decision to combine forces for a one off joint event in June...