Cove SC members may be interested to know that Sail Cork are running the following courses during February and offering a further 10% discount if you confirm you are a member of Cove SC when booking: 1. VHF SRC 1+2 Combined, 3 evenings Feb 13,18,20 €295 VHF...

For those who missed SCORA's AGM Claire Bateman has kindly provided us with the following brief outline of the meeting: Prior to the opening of the meeting the large attendance was welcomed by Vice Commodore Tom Roche on behalf of Kinsale Yacht Yacht Club. [caption id=""...

Please note that SCORA's AGM will be held this Friday at Kinsale Yacht Club @ 7.30PM. Full details are below. All Welcome. AGENDA SCORA AGM and PRIZEGIVING   DATE:                                    Friday 17 January 2014 VENUE:                                 Kinsale Yacht Club TIME:                                     1930   Apologies Commodore’s Report Income/Expenditure Account Election of Officers Class Bands:  At a meeting on 13 Nov 2013...

Claire Bateman has advised us that Denis Kiely has announced his resignation as National Handicapping Coordinator for cruiser racing. [caption id="attachment_3251" align="alignleft" width="290"] Denis Kiely (courtesy of Bob Bateman)[/caption] Whilst this represents a serious loss to ISA and Irish Sailing Denis will continue as Hon Secretary of...

Thanks to everyone who came out and supported this years end of season dinner at The Titanic Bar and Grill. Food was fab and the venue looked great. Music and mood lighting provided by Carl Johnson also proved a huge hit as guests boogied the...

We are experiencing some problems with the results pages on our website. We hope you find the following list, comprising the presentations which will be made at the end of season dinner helpful....

Cove Sailing Club will hold its Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 26th November 2013. The meeting will take place in the Robson Room, Commodore Hotel, Cobh at 20:00 hrs. I would encourage all members to attend and participate in the proceedings. Agenda for the AGM will...

This years laying up supper will be held on Friday 15th November at the Titanic Bar & Grill. Tickets are priced at €30 for adults and €25 for Junior members and will be available from this weekend. There are more details below but briefly we'll meet...

Please make a note that this years laying up supper will be held on Friday 15th November. Can't give out any more details yet but we'll let you know more as soon as we can....