Notice of race and Sailing Instructions (click to open) ...
The Royal Cork's annual Navy Race is to take place this coming Saturday September 14th with the kind permission of the Naval Service. Please find attached the Notice of Race (click link to open). First gun is at 1355 for a start at 1400. Committee Vessel start. Depending...
Saturday's Cobh to Blackrock race sponsored by the Port of Cork and Union Chandlery was a great success and we’d like to thank all our members, competitors, families and friends for once again turning out in huge numbers to support this great old race. In what...
Please see below the provisional entry list for tomorrow’s Blackrock race sponsored by the Port of Cork and Union Chandlery Handicap and class details are taken from the most recent SCORA ratings and classes allocated based on recent racing history. Please make sure you are clearly...
2013 September League NOR and SI's (click link)...
Cove Sailing Club is delighted to announce that once again both The Port of Cork and Union Chandlery have agreed to sponsor the 2013 Cobh to Blackrock Race taking place on Saturday 7th September. This is a huge boost for the this years race which also...
All boats registered for the Cobh to Blackrock Race sponsored by the Port of Cork and Union Chandlery will be listed below : CRUISERS Away on Business IRL6570 Bombora IRL1574 Whyte Knight IRL 9654 Explorer 2250C Bedlam IRL 9577 Holy Grounder IRL 1102 Fast Buck IRL 9615 Re Eile IRL 731 Mystic IRL...
The notice of race and sailing instructions for this years Cobh to Blackrock race sponsored by the Port of Cork and Union Chandlery are available for download below: Cobh to Blackrock Race NOR and SI’s (7/9/2013) – click link Please note that the first gun for dinghies...