1              The Organising Authority [OA] is COVE SAILING CLUB (CSC)
1              The race will be governed by the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS), the Prescriptions of the Irish Sailing Association (ISA), IRC and ECHO handicapping system Rules, the Rules of SCORA, Class Association Rules where applicable, this Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions.
2              ECHO handicaps will be taken from the current SCORA handicap lists.
3              The WhiteSail classes will be scored under ECHO ONLY.
4              IRC certificates shall be ENDORSED.
5              This is a CATEGORY C event [ISAF REG 20].  Competitors may be required to carry advertising for Event Sponsors.
1              The race is an OPEN event.
2              The race is part of  CSC September League
3              Dinghys, Sportsboats and Dayboats must satisfy class association rules where relevant.
4              ALL BOATS competing in the race must complete an online entry form available at www.covesailingclub.ie on or before Friday 9th September in order to ensure they get a result.
A4            SAFETY
The safety of a boat and her crew is the sole and inescapable responsibility of the person in charge who must do his best to ensure that the yacht is fully found, thoroughly seaworthy and manned by an experienced crew who have undergone appropriate training and are physically fit and properly clothed to face bad weather. The person in charge must be satisfied as to the soundness of hull, steering equipment, spars, rigging, sails and all gear. He must ensure that all safety equipment is properly maintained and stowed and that the crew knows where it is kept and how it is to be used.  The person in charge accepts that the responsibility for a boat’s decision to participate in a race or to continue racing is his alone.  Neither these regulations nor any action of the organizing authority in any way limits or reduces the complete and unlimited responsibility of the owner or the person in charge.
No anchor shall be carried forward of the stem or with any part outboard whilst racing.
Boats not in their starting sequence shall avoid the area of the start line and shall not hinder boats preparing to start.  The Protest Committee may penalise a boat for failing to comply with this Sailing Instruction with a score of its discretion, including DNC.
A6            CLASS FLAGS
A boat shall prominently display its correct class flag from its backstay at all times while racing. A boat not doing so may be scored DNF, this changes RRS A5.
1              Changes in Sailing Instructions and/or Notices to Competitors will be posted under the the Cobh to Blackrock header on the CSC website at www.covesailingclub.ie
2              Changes to these Sailing Instructions will be posted not later than 10:00 on the day of the race.
A9            MARKS AND COURSES.
1              The course is upriver from the START LINE at Cobh to the FINISH LINE at Blackrock Castle.
2              There are no marks on the course but competitors are advised to familiarize themselves with the navigation marks in the Lee channel.
1              The START line shall be laid off the promenade in Cobh and shall be between the committee boat [identified by a sponsors flag] and an outer distance mark
2              The committee boat is a mark of the course at the start and finish of the race.
3              A buoy may be laid off the committee boat; no boat shall pass between this buoy and the committee boat at any time.
4              The FINISH line shall be between the committee boat [identified by a BLUE  flag] and an outer distance mark [near BLACKROCK CASTLE]
A11          ORDER OF STARTS
1              Starts will be in accordance with RRS 26.
2              The order of starts will be:

CLASS Order First Gun
Slow Dinghies 1st 12.00
Whitesail Classes & Traditional 2nd asap
Cruisers 0-4 All-in 3rd asap
Fast Dinghies & J80 4th asap

3              In the event of a general recall the class/es recalled will be the last class to start.
A12          LATE STARTING
A boat starting later than 10 minutes after her starting signal shall be scored DNS; this changes RRS A4.1
1              RRS 31.2 – penalty will apply [one turn including one tack and one gybe for touching a mark]
2              RRS 44.1 – the Two Turns penalty shall NOT apply.
3              RRS 44.3 – the scoring penalty shall apply.
Boats should note their obligation to fly a YELLOW flag under RRS 44.3 (a) when taking a scoring penalty.
A14          SHORTEN COURSE –  RRS 32
The course may be shortened by the race officer signaling a shortened course (displaying flag S with
two sounds), in which case the finishing line shall be a line between the Finish Boat flying a blue flag and an outer limit mark laid across the channel  of the river.
A15          TIME LIMITS
The time limit shall be 16.00 hrs. Any boat that finishes after the time limit will be scored DNF. This amends RRS 35.
The scoring system shall be the Low Point System in accordance with RRS Appendix A with the following modifications for SCORA Cruiser classes:
1.1           OCS, RNF, DNF, DSQ, = 1 point plus number of finishers for the race.
1.2           DNS & DNC = 2 points plus number of finishers for the race.
1              Competitors are reminded of the requirement under RRS 44.3 to notify the committee boat of having taken an alternative penalty before leaving the finish area.
2              In addition to the requirements under RRS 61 yachts must draw the attention of the Committee Boat to an intention to protest before leaving the finish area.
A18          PROTESTS
1              All protests shall be lodged only on official Protest Forms, which will be available at the Cove SC OFFICIAL DESK in Port of Cork [mobile no 0868595743]
2              Protests shall be lodged at the Race desk as soon as possible and in any case not later than 30 minutes after the last yacht in the class finishes its race unless the Protest Committee has reason to extend this time.  This changes RRS 61.3
3              It is the responsibility of the PROTESTOR to inform the PROTESTEE of the lodging of the protest, the likely time and place of the hearing and to supply him with a copy thereof.  It is the responsibility of all parties thereafter to attend at the time and place of any hearing with their witnesses.
1              Competitors are advised to keep a listening watch on VHF Channel 69 where information relevant to racing may be broadcast. Should this information be broadcast, it shall not constitute outside assistance and shall not be the subject of any protest. Failure to broadcast this information shall not be the basis for any claim for redress.
2              Competitors who retire from a race shall inform the Race Committee promptly by radio on VHF Channel 69.
No responsibility will be accepted by COVE SAILING CLUB, its members, servants or agents, nor those officials or members connected with the event for any loss, damage, injury or other claim of whatever nature howsoever arising or caused in connection with participation in, or intended participation in, this event. Owner’s shall acknowledge their responsibility on the official Entry Form and draw attention of their crew and associates to this disclaimer.
A21          INSURANCE
Boat owners and crew shall ensure that they are adequately insured against loss, damage or injury to persons, boats or equipment at all times and however occurring and shall maintain adequate third party insurance cover and shall produce a valid certificate of insurance upon request.
A22          PRIZEGIVING
There will be a prizegiving in the Boardwalk Restaurant after the race. Berth’s will be provided at the City Quays by the Port of Cork.