13 Apr Cove SC’s new marina development at Whitepoint gets underway
Great news today as Cove Sailing Club’s marina development at Whitepoint, Cobh got underway with the four piles needed to support the access ramp being driven-in. Keep an eye on our facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/covesailing) for the latest news and photos.
We still have a few berths remaining on our first phase (30 berths only). The cost of a berth will be 65 euro per foot per annum. A minimum fee equal to a 23’ boat will apply for a berth even if a boat is smaller. We will expect payment in advance.
Berth holders will have to be members of Cove Sailing Club (membership is very reasonable and new members are always welcome – full details available here).
If you are interested in a marina berth, you must first submit a completed application form to info@covesailingclub.ie. You can also choose to post the application to us at our registered office address. We will collate all applications and provisionally allocate space on the marina.
At the moment we are concentrating on annual berths. If you are looking for a space for a few weeks/months over the summer, we will not be in a position to decide on this type of allocation until we have provided all our annual berth holders with a space.