Great night had by all on Friday night for the end of year Prize Giving. Many thank to both Margaret and Noel Owens from the Quays who very kindly offered us their venue and served up some tasty treats. Also it was great to see Don, Fionnghuala & Frank from MBSC and of course Pat Dorgan from the RCYC. Pat Coakley chatted about the club, George Radley briefed us on cruiser events to come & Aidan Mc Aleavey briefed us on the successful year the Dingy sailing enjoyed.
Clubman of the year John Doyle
Boat of the Year Kieran Dorgan &Jason Losty- Altair Titanic Trophy Nick O Rourke -Bright Wings Marlogue Trophy Kieran Dorgan & Jason Losty- Altair Fri Night League Overall IRC Kevin O Connor-Gaelic Kiwi Fri Night League Overall Whites Damien Ahern- Re Eile Fri Night League Overall Progressive Handicap Kevin O Connor –
Of course it goes without saying that you the members are the people that keep the club going – so thank you.
We will be having another social event in the new year so keep checking the facebook page and website for updates.
Merry Christmas from your Commodore JOHANNA RADLEY