25 Sep MBSC October League for dinghies
Monkstown Bay Sailing Club (MBSC) will once again be running their October League for dinghies and Cove Sailing Club dinghy sailors are very welcome to enter.
Details are as follows:
Starting October 04th and every Saturday for the month
Briefing @13:20
First Gun 14:00
Entry fee €10.00 per person. (This includes BBQ on the final Saturday)
Entry forms and Notice of Race available here (click to download). You need to submit your entry to MBSC before the first race.
There will be separate class 1 and 2 fleets and MBSC may present prizes for individual fleets if they have enough boats. For example they are expecting a good fleet of Laser 4.7’s and Feva’s.
MBSC tell us they “would be delighted to see as many visiting boats as possible racing/socialising in Monkstown this October (and if you haven’t tasted our Commodore’s Burger that will be worth the trip alone)”.
Obviously we are keen to try out the burgers but more importantly it would be great to get Cove members taking part. We’ve had a really good dinghy season in Cove SC and the MBSC October League is a great opportunity for our dinghy sailors to take the next step and compete against sailors from other clubs.
We will run a support boat or 2 (depending on numbers) to make sure you get across and back safely. If you are intending to enter please let us know (email info@covesailingclub.ie) so we can get an idea of numbers.