The SCORA (South Coast Offshore Racing Association) Annual General Meeting will take place on March 11th, 2016, at 8pm Venue Kinsale Yacht Club at 8pm. (By kind permission).
The Agenda is set out herewith and it looks like there should be a good evening of discussion and plans for the coming season. Another topic that will come up is the future of club cruiser racing (if any) other than the big events like Spring and Autumn leagues.
A good attendance would enable worthwhile planning and raise enthusiasm for the 2016 programme. The season is looking good all round in all classes with lots of interest being shown from the Juniors through to the Seniors
Light refreshments will be served and there will be a chance to renew acquaintances and for those receiving prizes to enjoy the anticipation.
DATE: Friday 11th March 2016
VENUE: Kinsale Yacht Club
TIME: 8pm
1. Apologies
2. Commodore’s Report
3. Income/Expenditure Account
4. Election of Commodore
5. Class Bands:
Class Bands for 2016
Class 0 1.050 and above
Class 1 1.049 to 0.975
Class 2 0.974 to 0.916
Class 3 0.915 to 0.865
Class 4 0.864 and below
This is NO CHANGE from 2015.
6. 2016 Sailing Programme – what do the competitors want?
7. SCORA – last year we asked what future?
8. Following the whitesail discussion last year – what next?
9. Any other business
10. Presentation of Prizes