09 Sep 2013 Cobh to Blackrock Race – roundup
Saturday’s Cobh to Blackrock race sponsored by the Port of Cork and Union Chandlery was a great success and we’d like to thank all our members, competitors, families and friends for once again turning out in huge numbers to support this great old race.
In what can only be described as testing conditions – 20knt+ squalls, lashing rain – and the race hadn’t even started – 50-60 boats made their way to the start line for this years race. The dinghies started first and got away cleanly. Then the cruisers, classics and 1720’s had to content with the now traditional all-in start in front of Cobh’s Promenade, much to amusement (or is that amazement) of the onlookers as the fleet danced up the Cobh Road trying to avoid each other as much as make progress up the course.
What then followed was an unrelenting beat to the city. With the rain, gusts. and tide (or lack of it) there was no relief at any stage of the race. And as crews tired and skippers tried to make the most of each tack, so boats started to find the mud. Loch Mahon proved the undoing of many and at various stages several boats could be seen on either side of the narrow channel, temporarily stuck waiting for either the wind or tide to help them off and get going again.
The City Quays and in particular the barbecue at the Boardwalk never looked so inviting. Much of the talk back on shore was of this being the toughest race remembered for 10 years or more. This may explain why we saw one of the best turnouts for the prize-giving for some time as crews sought some light relief before heading back down the river. Whatever the reasons it was much appreciated and hopefully everyone enjoyed the day. The raffle raised €260 for charity and we’d like to thank everyone who took part and came back to support the race.
Results summary:
class 1 dinghies : 1st Michael O’Brien
class 2 dinghies: 1st Rob Scandrett, 2nd Jack Delaney, 3rd Cian Synnott
1720’s : 1st Warrior, 2nd Scholar
Classics : Shadow
Class 1 IRC : 1st Saxon Senator, 2nd Jelly Baby, 3rd Exhale
Class 1 Echo : 1st Saxon Senator, 2nd Jelly Baby, 3rd Exhale
Class 2 IRC : 1st Bad Company, 2nd Kodachi, 3rd Sea Hawk
Class 2 Echo : 1st No Gnomes, 2nd Kodachi, 3rd Bad Company
Class 3 IRC :1st Bandit, 2nd Tambourine, 3rd Re Eile
Class 3 Echo : 1st Re Eile, 2nd Bandit, 3rd Tambourine
Whitesail : 1st Mystic, 2nd Drumfire, 3rd Brightwings
IRC OVERALL : Bad Company
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(Pictures courtesy of Bob Bateman – thanks Bob)
Cove Sailing Club would like to take this opportunity to thank the Port of Cork and Union Chandlery for their very generous support of this event. Also, The Boardwalk Restaurant for looking after us so well after the race. CH Marine, Matthews, Marshall Marine Textiles, Classic Drinks, Conversation Piece, Cobh Traditional Sail, and the members of Cove SC who all kindly donated prizes for the raffle. Race Officers Jason Losty & Richard Marshall, Brendan Ryan and Liam Allister for the results and everyone involved behind the scenes helping to organise the event – you know who you are. Thank you all and hopefully see you next year.
(If anyone has any photos we will show them here so please send them on to us at info@covesailingclub.ie.)