18 Aug Cobh Regatta 2014 – Cruisers
We had a stunning Regatta day yesterday with blue skies, blue sea and plenty of wind. After an All-in start which always provides some excitement to the watching crowds the fleet were sent up to whitepoint, back down the Cobh road and then out past Spike. The whitesails went as far as number 10 whilst the class 1, 2 and 3’s went out further to number 5. They then came back along the Cobh road to Whitepoint and then back to the finish opposite the Quays.
The prize-giving was hosted by Tradewinds and as always the food served by Sandra and her staff to all the competitors was a real treat and definitely helps ensure we get a lively crowd back for the results.
Cove SC would like to thank all the competitors for supporting this event. Kieran, Denis and Aiden for performing race officer duties, ensuring the results were available on time and helping with the presentations. Tradewinds for hosting us, The Quays Bar for the use of their pontoon and Classic Drinks for the prizes.
Results Summary (for full results click link)
Class 1 IRC : True Pennance
Class 2 IRC : Silk Breeze
Class 3 IRC : Gaelic Kiwi
Whitesail : Re Eile
Some pics from the day below:
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