Cork Week 2012 – update

It’s the final days racing tomorrow and with the entire regatta fleet scheduled to race past Cobh as part of the “Harbour Race Time Trial”, there should hopefully be a spectacular finish to the competition.

The two Cove boats entered this year have both been going very well. The Dorgan’s “No Half Measures” is currently in 2nd place in IRC (class IV)  behind another Sonar “Baileen Ban (helmed by none other than Irish Paralympian John Twomey). In ECHO, “No Half Measures” is in 4th place and with only 10 points separating the top 5 it’s all very tight.

Going even better is Pat Hayes’ Minstrel which is currently in 1st (yes first) place in ECHO in the whitesail 2 class after getting a 1st and two 2nd’s so far and they are also 4th in IRC.

We’d recommend anyone of a nervous disposition to look away now as we’d like to wish both boats and crews all the very best and really hope you get a good day tomorrow.

There’s great coverage this year on the Cork Week 2012 website (click link), with loads of pics, regular updates and full results.