Coutts Quarter Ton Cup – Roundup

Illes Pitiuses was in action over at Cowes this week competing in the 2012 Coutts Quarter Ton Cup (click for website). An international fleet of 30 boats including “Tiger”, “Anchor Challenge”, & “Per Elisa” (Ian Travers/Eamon Rohan) competed over 9 races during the 3 day regatta hosted by the Royal Corinthian Yacht Club.

The Losty’s and crew were in good company as this event attracts some of the best sailors in the world. Competing this year were World Match Racing Champion Ian Williams, America’s Cup veterans Don McCracken, Dave Scott, Ethan Bixby, British Olympians Stuart Childerley and Andy Beadsworth, David Howlett, Kelvin Rawlings, Jason Carrington, Ian Southworth, David Bedford, John Greenwood, Mike Budd, John Brinkers, and Irish Olympian Mark Mansfield.

Looking at the results, the racing must have been extremely close with sometimes 10 boats finishing within a minute of each other. In that company the equal 2nd and 5th scored in their best two races were great results and to finish overall in 11th place in only their second time out is a great result for their “new” boat and hopefully something they can build on over the coming seasons.

Of the other Cork Harbour boats, Per Elisa came in 9th, Tiger 7th and Anchor Challenge 4th. In the Corinthian division – where all crew must be ISAF cat 1 registered, Tiger came 1st, winning for the second year in a row.