02 Feb Cove SC Membership forms for 2015 now available
Cove SC membership forms for 2015 are now available. Please note that we are very pleased to be able to maintain our membership fees at the same reduced rate for another year, as follows:
Family membership €150, Ordinary membership €100, Junior membership €50.
Download the latest membership forms by clicking on the links below:
Application Form for New Members
Membership Renewal Form
Adult/cruiser members should send your completed forms together with payment to The Treasurer, Cove Sailing Club, PO Box 12, Cobh, County Cork.
Please ensure you include your current email address and mobile phone number on your form so that we can contact you and keep you informed of Club activities during the Year. Greater use of email and texts is saving Cove SC a huge amount of time and money and is one of the ways we are keeping the cost of membership down. Your support is appreciated.
Junior members/Parents please note that as in previous years we will hold a registration day for you at the Whitepoint dinghy park. Please do not post your membership to us. We will put up full details on our website and facebook page.
New members are very welcome. Skippers are always looking out for crew. You don’t need to be an experienced sailor and we can help introduce you to other members and get you out on the water. If you are interested and want to know more please contact us at info@covesailingclub.ie or speak to a committee member.