27 Apr Cruiser racing – information/update
Hopefully for most crews preparations are well underway and everyone is getting themselves sorted out for the start of the Cove SC season. If like us you feel like you’ll never be ready the below outlines what is coming up over the next week or so and help remind you where you need to be:
We are holding a season launch for cruisers and new adult members this Thursday at 7.30PM (1st May) in the Commodore Hotel. Great offer for new members, special guest speakers and more. (Click the Season launch link for details). All welcome.
Friday (2nd May) season kicks off with our first friday sailing of the year.
Sunday (4th May) our first proper race of the year as the May League gets underway.
Additionally please can all Skippers and Crew pay this years membership fees as soon as possible and ensure their boats have valid IRC and/or ECHO certs. prior to racing. Membership forms are available under the Membership tab – click link and download the relevant form. You can also pay your membership at the season launch night.