29 Apr Cruiser Racing Schedule 2015
The 2015 Cruiser Race Calendar has just been uploaded and is available under the race tab on our website. Names of the Race Officer for each race are shown. Please review the list and make sure you are available and prepared for when it is your turn. If you are not available please arrange cover and notify the Sailing Secretary, Dennis Ellis as soon as you are aware. For any advice on courses, starting procedure etc., just ask Dennis for assistance. He is there to help you. We’ll also try and get some further advice up on the site as a reminder for what the Race Officer needs to do.

2014 Fri. Night League winner Gaelic Kiwi in action during last years Cove@Home
With the start of the season approaching we would like to remind all skippers and regular crew to pay their membership subs. for 2015 as soon as possible. The forms are on the website (see earlier posts). There will be a Junior Registration day on the 11/4 and you are welcome to drop down to the dinghy park and renew your membership as well if this is convenient.