East Ferry Cup 2014

Cove SC burgee

Another beautiful morning in Cork Harbour only this time the wind (or lack of it) was the only thing on Cove Sailing Club’s collective minds. By about 10AM it felt like it was picking up a bit and the general feeling amongst the race team was to chance it. If we left it and ran it in a couple of weeks it would probably be lashing.

The competitors were briefed and we headed off for a Cobh start and what would be a long beat down the harbour to the Marlogue. Jamie and Jorik had good starts and quickly tacked toward the Spit Bank avoiding as much of the incoming tide as they could. The others kept on towards the main channel before tacking and the incoming tide knocked them back a bit. As we crossed the channel at No. 20 Jamie and Jorik were still out in front with Christine (in her first club race) and Cian trying to close the gap.

The wind dropped off a bit and the leaders suffered. Both the leading pair took a wide line. Cian went inshore and seemed to pick up some breeze from somewhere whilst Christine kept going gradually closing down the leaders. Between the mouth of East Ferry and the finish at the Marlogue Jamie managed to pull away and with Christine finally getting ahead of Jorik and Cian coming through it was all pretty close after well over an hours racing. All boats finished which in the heat and the light winds was a huge achievement. Jamie took line honours but as we know this isn’t one-design and on handicap Jorik had just enough in hand to take the title on adjusted time. Jamie finished 2nd with Christine 3rd and Cian 4th.

Results available here (race 3 = East Ferry Cup)

Prize-giving and lunch followed, (courtesy of Rob) over at Murphs and a bit of a much needed rest for the race officers. On the way back we decided to have a race home and this time Cian had the best of it with Christine coming in 2nd and Conor 3rd. Thanks go to Rob, Niall for OD’ing and safety, “Keen on Sport/Keen House” for the prizes and Mrs Pasley for the cakes back at the dinghy park. All in all a grand day out!