Midweek Dinghy League – week 2

Cove SC burgee

Eddie was right. He usually is when it comes to the weather but this morning looking at the grey clouds I wasn’t convinced. It didn’t matter. This evening the sun shone, the sea was that nice blue colour we sometimes get in the harbour and we had good wind. 7 boats came out and again we all headed over to the Oyster Bank.


The fleet went through 3 practice races and finished with a longer scoring race. The more experienced sailors realised straight away the starboard side of the course was more favourable given the strong tide pushing them towards the upwind mark and the less experienced quickly spotted what they were doing, followed and realised the benefits which was good and really is what the race practice is all about.

The wind did start to drop off and so we didn’t DSC_1267_edited-1manage to get a second scoring race in but that gives those who haven’t made it out yet a chance to catch up so it may keep things interesting in the longer term.

Updated Results are available here (click link)

The “Mary English” Weekend League will start this Sunday (FG midday). The weather forecast is good for the weekend according to Eddie and that’s good enough for us. If anyone wants to come out and help with the race management on Wednesdays or Sundays please contact info@covesailingclub.ie or speak to a committee member.


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