Minutes of Open Forum 28/1/2023

By Aine Kennedy

Hon Secretary

  • Dominic welcomed everyone to the Open Forum. He thanked Glen Barry for the use of the Sirius Art Centre for the meeting. He outlined the transition needed for our club to grow from a small seasonal club to a club that brings together the various types of sailing/ racing and cruising with up-to-date facilities. He thanked those that have availed of the early bird membership offer, noting that the uptake has been excellent so far. The vision for our club also is for the marina to develop to be an 80-berth marina. At present, a lot of background work is in hand to replace and update chains on the marina.
  • Glen Barry, an architect and club member, outlined for us in a PowerPoint various locations on the Cobh waterfront for a new Clubhouse. He looked at public and private areas with an ‘outside the box’ approach. Many thanks to Glen for a beautiful presentation. It gave us all plenty to think about and a vision of how our new Clubhouse could be an excellent resource for the club and the town. A subcommittee is to be formed to explore options.
  • Dominic outlined the new Club Communication Board on the club website. He asked the forum which means of communication was preferred. The majority of attendees preferred What’s App for adult members. New members will have to add their mobile numbers to their applications. A new liaison officer will be created to help new members link up with the What’s app groups they are interested in joining. The main CSC members group will be only used for broadcasting events/ messages. Other What’s App groups will have an administrator and allow for discussions. The dinghy groups will have the parent as a contact in the case of junior members. It was suggested to have a regular monthly update from May to September to remind members of upcoming events. Suggestions for social media were noted.
  • Garda Vetting:- Ann O’Connell outlined the need for any members who run events within the club to apply for Garda Vetting from ISA. She defined the adult age as 18 years. She spoke about the risk assessment around changing rooms for junior members. Ann, together with Ann Noonan and Anne Ahearn, can be contacted for forms. The cost of Garda Vetting is 10 euros. They are happy to advise about a relevant Child Protection course. Members bringing a junior out on their boat were reminded that parental consent forms and Garda vetting are required under ISA rules to protect themselves and the club. Also, misbehaviour on or near the water by a junior member should not be condoned, as water safety is paramount.
  • Club Membership cards were available, which could be programmed later at the club.
  • Training:- Ann Noonan spoke of the upcoming Powerboat course to be given by Sail Cork on 4/5 March, costing 325 euros.
  • Suggestions for Club Merchandise were taken from the floor to include fleeces, baseball and beanie hats, gilet and polo shirts. Keen House is to be contacted to supply club merchandise to the club.
  • The forum broke into various interest groups.
  • Marina:- ropes which became free during the winter are to be replaced. As club funds are limited, volunteers are required to help. It is hoped to have more breakwaters in the short term. At present, the marina is near capacity. However, if a request for a berth is received, it could be accommodated.
  • Cruising:-An exciting cruising programme was planned for the 2023 season.

13/14 May Cruise to Oysterhaven or Youghal ( BBQ ashore)

17/24 June Cruise in company to Isles of Scilly

29/39 July Westward cruise to Schull

16/17 September overnight within Cork harbour.

A forum for pre-cruising will be organised before departing on a cruise.

Suggestion to link in with ex-members re cruising programme, which may lead to them re-joining CSC.

  • Junior Sailing:- Focus this year will feature the Munster optimist event: 1st/2nd July in Waterford. It is hoped to have a return to sailing by the end of March. Activities linking in with RCYC and Monkstown SC are planned. It is hoped to acquire Feva’s. However, these are difficult to source second-hand. More training on race starts / sequences would greatly help club races.
  • Cruiser racing:-The bi-location of yachts between East Ferry and Cobh marina was discussed. The staging of two six week leagues may be an option this year. Results are to be posted by members within this group. Training on Sail Wave will be needed .Possible to link with Dinghy racing for this training?
  • Dinghy racing:- Upskilling on race starts/sequence advised pre-season. Punctuality re race starts will be enforced on Wednesday night’s.It was suggested to access Spit bank area at HW to open new area’s for variety of racing options. O.D. duties should result in average points for that night’s racing. The dinghy racing section are to post their own results.
  • Social Events:

Met Eireann  talk on Marine Forecasting by Joanne Donnelly is to be organised. Date to be confirmed.

Talk on race starts :Michelle

Prize giving :It was suggested to organize this monthly.

Laying up Supper : Suggestions for a formal or casual event were discussed. Most people preferred to keep this event in Cobh. Cost of this event and spot prizes were discussed. More discussion is required on this topic.

  • Fundraising:

Table Quiz and Flag Day are to be organised.

The dinghy park is to be wrapped with netting .5m strips with will be sold for sponsorship .These will feature club boats and sponsor’s details.

Grants are to be investigated re funding for juvenile training.

An open day/ Try sailing day was proposed on John Hennessey boat, with a donation to the club.

  • O.B.

Suggestion for other activities to be linked with dinghy sailing:- orienteering in Marlogue area.

A rebuilt Rankin will be available shortly. Expression  of interest by interested party who would sail regularly to be made to the committee.

Suggestions that CSC participates in Cobh St Patrick’s day parade tbc.

  • Dominic thanked everyone for their participation and attendance at the forum. This concluded the business of the meeting.