12 Mar Registration Day 12th April 2014, Dinghy Park, Whitepoint, Cobh
All current and new Cove SC Junior members are invited to register for the Saturday Sailing School on April 12th at the dinghy park, Whitepoint Cobh (opposite the playground at Whitepoint).
Registration Time 10am to 12pm Saturday morning
Required (together with payment on the 12th of April):
- Completed Cove SC New Membership/Renewal Membership form;
- Completed Supplementary form;
- Dinghy park rules signed and dated
We are planning to run two sailing terms during the summer and 3 sailing sessions each Saturday.
Term 1 starts Saturday 3rd of May through to Saturday 28th of June
Term 2 starts Saturday 5th of July through to Saturday 30st of August
Sailing sessions run from
- 9am to 11am
- 11am to 1pm
- 2pm to 4pm
Costs are as follows €67.50 (€7.50 per session) per term 1 or 2, €135 for term 1 and 2 + membership + boat storage (if applicable).
In order to secure you sailing session you will need to register on the 11th of April with full payment for your session preference, boat storage etc
We will be running summer camps and ISA accredited Sailing courses as well over the Summer. If you are interested in these courses as well please see our Summer camps webpage for full details.
Please contact us at juniors@covesailingclub.ie if you have any questions or want to know more about any of the above (New members welcome).