SCORA AGM and Prizegiving (Kinsale YC 17/1/2014)

Please note that SCORA’s AGM will be held this Friday at Kinsale Yacht Club @ 7.30PM. Full details are below. All Welcome.




DATE:                                    Friday 17 January 2014

VENUE:                                 Kinsale Yacht Club

TIME:                                     1930


  1. Apologies
  2. Commodore’s Report
  3. Income/Expenditure Account
  4. Election of Officers
  5. Class Bands:  At a meeting on 13 Nov 2013 it was agreed to put the following to the AGM
    1. Class Bands for 2013        Class 0                       1.050 and above

                                                                                          i.    Class 1                       1.049 to 0.975

                                                                                        ii.    Class 2                       0.974 to 0.916

                                                                                       iii.    Class 3                       0.915 to 0.865

                                                                                       iv.    Class 4                       0.864 and below

This is NO CHANGE from 2013.

  1. 2013 Sailing Programme – format of 2013 programme and changes for 2014 programme
  2. Discussion on ECHO/IRC management 2014
  3. Report on ICRA Recruitment and Training Initiative
  4. Any other business
  5. Presentation of Prizes