Special offers for Cove SC members from SailCork

Eddie English, SailCork,  is offering some great deals for Cove SC members.

If you are interested check out www.sailcork.com or call 021 4811237 for full details:


VHF SRC1    1 day July 9th, €240 discounted to €210, (excludes examiner and Comreg fee)

VHF SRC 2   2 evenings Sept 6+8, €210, discounted to €190, (excludes examiner and Comreg fee)

ISA 1ST AID  1 evening+ 1 day Sept 30+Oct1st. €190, discounted to €150.

DINGHY INSTRUCTOR PRE ENTRY  2 days Aug 25+26, €300 discounted €250.

DINGHY INSTRUCTOR COURSE Oct midterm break, Oct 24-28th, €495 discounted €425


Holidays and Courses for learners and skippers, also ICC test done.
Sail West, Cobh to Baltimore, 5 days, July 24-29,
Aug bank holiday in Baltimore
Calves week, sailing West Cork,
Sail Baltimore to Dingle
Sail Dingle to Cobh


All above less 10% to members of Cove SC.