04 Oct Winter evening courses presented by Yachtmaster Instructor Eddie English at the Royal Cork Yacht Club
Enjoy learning in the relaxed, comfortable surroundings of the RCYC on these informative courses. Now is the time to prepare for next season afloat and progress your background knowledge to be fully safe afloat. Prepare for a practical qualification such as the International Cert of Competence (ICC) to enable you to charter a boat at home or abroad. Have the relevant qualifications if you wish to sail to a port abroad.
New syllabus and new exercises for this year for Day Skipper and our advanced course, the Yachtmaster. Course pack includes Exercise Book, Course Notes Book, Practice Charts and special package of new Electronic Charts.
Remember these courses are more that just navigation with the syllabus including: Safety, Rules, Compasses, Tides and tidal streams, Lights and buoys, Meteorology, Navigation instruments, Electronic Navigation, Charts and nav publications, Chartwork, Position fixing, Pilotage and Passage Planning. Courses are designed to embrace all disciplines afloat – for both power and sail. The full RYA syllabus is covered and Eddie adds extra information on Meteorology and items relevant to the Cork sailor!
Eddie English of SailCork has been running sailing courses for over 40 years and at Irelands longest established navigation school. He has been teaching navigation since the early 1980’s and has been running navigation courses at the RCYC since 1995. Eddie’s unique presentation style is backed up with thousands of miles afloat in Ireland, the UK, Europe, the Caribbean and further afield. The courses bring together like minded sailors who share their knowledge as well as an excellent course syllabus.
Which Course?
Day Skipper Navigation Course Designed for those who wish to crew or skipper a motor or sail boat safely and enjoyably in coastal waters by day and by night. The course is for beginners and improvers and is the perfect base before moving on to the Yachtmaster. Perfect for those who want to head “West” next year!
Course Details 2015: Wednesday evenings from 19:30 to 22:15 (16 evenings) Begins Wed 21 Oct 2015. Course fee (including RYA course pack) €495. Further info on this link: http://www.sailcork.com/index.php/navigation/day-skipper
Yachtmaster Offshore Navigation Course This course is for those who have completed Day Skipper or have the equivalent knowledge – it is an ADVANCED navigation course. Designed to give a more in depth knowledge of all areas and increase the pupils confidence to complete longer coastal passages or overseas passages.
Course Details 2015: Thursday evenings from 19:30 to 22:15 (16 evenings) Begins Thur 22 Oct 2015. Course fee (including RYA course pack) €525. Further info on this link: http://www.sailcork.com/index.php/navigation/yacht-master.
To get more information or to book call Jo or Shirley at SailCork on 021 4811237
Special deals for Cove Sailing Club members – ask for details.